CooperSmith’s Pub and Brewing Launches Volunteer Incentive Program for Managers

CooperSmith’s Pub and Brewing has recently launched a volunteer incentive program for its managers. The ‘Coopster’s in the Community’ program allows managers to take workdays to volunteer at local non-profit organizations.

‘Coopster’s in the Community’ encourages CooperSmith’s managers to explore volunteer opportunities in northern Colorado. Most recently, CooperSmith’s President, Dwight Hall, and his wife Erin spent a day building a home through Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity.

“When you step out of your daily routine and do something to help others it really puts some perspective on how fortunate we are.” said Dwight Hall, Head Brewer and Managing Partner at CooperSmith’s. “Our goal with the ‘Coopsters’s in the Community’ program is to encourage our employees to find opportunities that inspire them to contribute to our community.”

One resource the CooperSmith’s takes advantage of for its volunteer incentive program is The United Way of Larimer County’s Volunteer Center. The Center matches volunteers with projects across the community and has trained specialists who help individuals, youth, groups, families, faith-based volunteers and companies such as CooperSmith’s, looking to make a difference in the community through volunteering.

In addition to the ‘Coopsters in the Community’ program, CooperSmith’s donates to other organizations throughout the year through the ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ charitable giving program and it has also recently launched a partnership with Poudre School District called ‘Be Our Guest” to give sixty families free dinners.

Sandra Longton, General Manager and Managing Partner at CooperSmith’s Pub and Brewing explains, “We wanted to find a way to help families in challenging circumstances that are striving to do their best. Providing a relaxing dinner in our restaurant was a natural way to do that. It only makes sense to give back to the community that has supported us for 25 years.” 

For more information about the United Way of Larimer County and to explore the database of volunteer opportunities, visit

Dwight and Erin Volunteer at Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity
