ChildSafe Black and White Bash Fundraiser

On Friday, September 15, 2017 ChildSafe, who has been helping children for over 30 years, will host the Black & White Bash, at Fort Collins Hilton. There will be dinner, silent and live auction items, and dueling pianos!

Over 86% of their clients are low income, and the funds raised from this event are used to offset the cost of individual, group, and family therapy for their clients. Funds raised on this evening will offset the cost of mental health treatment for victims of childhood abuse who may not otherwise be able to access services. CoopeSmith’s is thrilled to support this event and be part of such an important cause.

“Every victim of child sexual abuse has a past that’s traumatic and daunting. When they come to ChildSafe, they count on us to help them heal. Their journey is a long and difficult one. It’s a daily struggle, but our clients heal, and we’re there for them every step of the way. We at ChildSafe are honored to walk alongside our clients as they take this healing journey, and we hope you will join us.”
